FAQ: GDPR and data protection in TimeLog PSA
On this page, you get the answers to the GDPR questions our customers often ask. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support.
1. Where can I find TimeLog's data processing agreement?
Our data processing agreement is on the website and in TimeLog PSA.
In TimeLog PSA, the signed data processing agreement under My Account -> Account overview -> Contract overview.
You can also see when and who has signed in to the action log under My Account. -
2. Is customer data separated in TimeLog PSA?
Yes. Each customer has its own database, and the customers cannot access each other’s data.
3. Does TimeLog have an R&D department outside EU?
Yes, we have an R&D department in Malaysia.
4. Do TimeLog's Malaysian developers have access to our personal data?
No, our Malaysian developers do not have direct access to your personal data.
There will be situations where they need to solve support tickets, and here it is required that they have access to your database to solve the issue.
In these cases, we take a copy of your database on a test server, where all your data is anonymised. This means that no specific personal data will be visible. Instead, the original personal data will appear as Employee 1, Employee 2 etc. Phone numbers and addresses will not be visible.
When you send a screenshot for a support ticket, which our Malaysian developers need to solve the challenge, we technically send personal data outside of EU.
Therefore we have a separate data processing agreement with our development partner to live up to our responsibilities as a data processor and still provide the best service to our customers.
6. Who is the data controller and who is the data processor?
The data responsible is the one collecting data, i.e. you.
The responsible person is the link between TimeLog and you as a customer regarding everything related to data protection and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The responsible contact will also be the one to receive news about changes related to data protection, e.g. change of sub-data processors.
We are the data controller, and we handle data on your behalf.
7. Do TimeLog want our employees to sign a contract?
No, TimeLog does not want your employees to sign a contract.
As you are collecting data about your employees, we recommend that you inform your employees that you are collecting data about them and why you are doing it.
You should get consent to collect data about your employees.
GDPR is solely a process between you and your employees.
That said, as data processors we are obligated to guide you in how you should relate to GDPR.These recommendations will be part of our data processing agreement, so we live up to our responsibility as a data processor.
8. How is the data processing agreement applicable to our subsidiaries using the same TimeLog site?
We only sign one data processing agreement with the main contract owner.
This means the main contract owner is responsible for managing your internal administration of which data you enter in TimeLog because you are the data controller.
Hvis en anden medarbejder, end den dataansvarlige, beder om indsigt, underretter vi først den dataansvarlige og beder om vedkommendes samtykke.
Du skal som dataansvarlig altid henvende dig skriftligt via e-mail til support@timelog.dk.
9. How can the data controller request further insight into data in TimeLog?
At TimeLog, only the data controller can ask to gain insight into data in the TimeLog system.
The insight may, e.g. relate to the deletion of data, import, export, and change of data. You can get more information here: System administration -> General settings -> Personal data protection.
If a different employee than the data controller requests insights into your data, we first inform the GDPR responsible contact and ask for his/her consent.
As a data controller, you need to contact us via e-mail support@timelog.com.
10. What is the process for data flows from collection to deletion of data?
The following processes are described: collection, storage, access, purpose, sharing, transfer and deletion.
Example of a data flow:
Collection: Employees track time via browser, TimeLog Mobile or TimeLog for Desktop. User login can be controlled by AD two-factor authentication (SSO).
Storage: Data is stored on Microsoft SQL servers in a virtual server environment operated by TimeLog’s hosting partner GlobalConnect. Our customers have their own databases.
Access: At TimeLog, only the data responsible can ask for insights into data in the TimeLog system.
The insights could, e.g. be about data deletion, import, export or scripting of data.
If a different employee than the data controller requests insights into your data, we first inform the GDPR responsible contact and ask for his/her consent.
Purpose: Leadership, project management, and HR staff use data for salary management. Users can be worldwide and gain access to data via a browser. TimeLog is a full role-based system, controlling that only users allowed to see specific data will see it.
Sharing: TimeLog has an R&D department in Malaysia. There may be situations where our Malaysian developers need to solve support tickets.
This requires access to your database to solve the issue. In these cases, we take a copy of your database on a test server, where all your data is anonymised.
This means that no specific personal data will be visible. Instead, the original personal data will appear as Employee 1, Employee 2 etc. Phone numbers and addresses will not be visible.
Transfer: Data is transferred over HTTPS to the database servers in two physical locations in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Deletion: TimeLog has a built-in automatic anonymisation and deletion process, which will anonymise and delete data defined by the DPO (Data Protection Officer).
When customers terminate their contract with TimeLog, we keep their database inactive for six months. After this period, the data is deleted automatically.
In the first month, the data is kept in the production environment.
The customer's GDPR responsible can request that data are deleted before the six-month period.
11. Which systems do you use to collect and store personal data?
Data is stored on a SQL server located on a VM Ware environment. Our Danish hosting provider, Global Connect (private cloud), operates the server.
GlobalConnect runs its services from multiple physical locations in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The data responsible at TimeLog has access to and maintains the application layer and up, while Global Connect maintains the operations system and down in the stack.
Time tracking can be done through iOS app, Android app, Desktop app (electron), an Outlook app (optional) and various web browsers. Login can be controlled using SSO.
Where can I read more about what you do with my personal data?
You can read more about it in our data processor agreement and our cookie and privacy policy.
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