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Time tracking
Build your perfect data foundation for spotless invoicing and deep business insights with easy time tracking.

Project management
Be a world champion project manager. Keep your projects on track - and profitable.

Resource management
Efficiently staff projects and run a predictable business with confidence.

Insights & Reporting
Get smarter - faster - to make clever decisions for long-term growth impact.

Project accounting & Invoicing
Invoice everything - fast and accurate - while staying on top of project finances.

Staff & Salary
Give accountants and HR an intelligent tool to eliminate draining administration.

Financial Systems
TimeLog offers standard integrations for all your favourite financial systems. Save time and reduce manual tasks.

Payroll Solutions
TimeLog offers standard integrations for multiple payroll solutions. Get easy salary administration and only enter payroll information once.

Track time automatically via Outlook, use gamification or find another add-on that can support your business.

Multiple Legal Entities
You can create synergy between your departments and across borders and offices with the Multiple Legal Entities module from TimeLog. 

Business Intelligence
Utilise the insights you get from TimeLog to the fullest. Our system is ready to integrate with multiple BI solutions.

Partner Integrations
TimeLog PSA is part of a large ecosystem. Get an overview of all the partner integrations in the TimeLog family.

Economy department
Save 1-2 days a month on your invoicing process.

Project teams
From planning to execution and evaluation. Robust tools for every project manager.

Management teams
Create a performance-driven culture with solid reporting capabilities.

Large enterprises
Enhance operations and performance across entities, countries and departments.

NGOs and non-profit organisations
Simplify internal processes, spend less time on administration, and get documentation in place - at a discounted rate.

Get inspired to run an even better business with articles, guides and analyses.

Guides, podcasts and webinars
Get access to templates, guides and webinars that help and inspire you.

Help Center
Looking for help material and user guides to the TimeLog system? Look no further. Find all the help you need now.

Try 30 days free

Get a single source of truth
Discover how companies maintain a single source of truth across borders, departments, and currencies.

Get integrated
Discover the advantages customers gain from utilising our integrations and API. 

Reporting in real-time
Explore how others leverage reporting to optimise their processes and make informed decisions.

Get started with resource planning
Discover how other companies thoroughly grasp their resources and enhance their ability to predict future trends.

Improved project financials
This is how the efficient financial toolbox from TimeLog helps project managers and CFOs improve their project financials.

Faster invoicing
Discover how other companies have slashed the time spent on invoicing by 75% - and uncover how you can achieve the same efficiency.

The Story of TimeLog
Get insights on TimeLog and how we can help you grow and evolve your business.

See who shows up every day to deliver the best PSA solution.

What's life like at TimeLog? Are we hiring? Get the answer here.

Create even more value for your customers, as well as ours, as a TimeLog Partner.

Premium Service
Online Help Center, tailored onboarding and support from Day 1.

Corporate Social Responsibility
We work to ensure a positive impact on planet, people and businesses.

Security and GDPR
Learn more about how we work to keep your data safe and provide maximum security.

Give your entire organisation an advantage with reporting

Stay up-to-date on billing rate and project margin on your portfolio, internal/external time and a bunch of other essential metrics, while the rest of the organisation gets exactly the numbers they need.

Product Image - Reports & KPI
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Your benefits using reporting with TimeLog


Achieve performance goals

Keep your finger on the pulse of projects and adjust when necessary to achieve your goals.


Improve wellbeing

See if employees are overworked, bored or if you're striking a healthy balance.


Make better decisions

With deep and up-to-date insights, you'll be equipped to make the best decisions - fast!

Reports Diagrams

Imagine a company where everyone always has the knowledge they need

In many organisations, efficiency and job satisfaction drown in the hassle of getting the numbers you need to do your job.

With TimeLog reports, everyone - from project teams to finance and management teams - always has the numbers they need at their fingertips:

  • Always available
  • Always up-to-date
  • Always based on the most reliable data

Give your business intelligence the best data with API

Do you love your existing business intelligence solution, but can't get all the answers you need?

With TimeLog's open API, you can transfer all customer, project and time data to your business intelligence and create exactly the overview you need.

If you have a penchant for spreadsheets, you can of course also export everything to Excel.

Reports API
Reports for project teams

Track projects and keep them on track

  • Are our projects on track with deadlines and budgets?
  • What payment agreements have been made on projects and what is the status of invoicing and payments?
  • How much time is the project team spending compared to what is allocated
  • Where are we in relation to project milestones?
Reports for the finance team

Stay up-to-date with project financials

  • Which customers, projects and employees contribute the most in terms of contribution margin and contribution margin
  • How much do we write up and down?
  • What is the status of our financial project performance?
  • What is the status in relation to What is the status of our project budgets?
Reports for the management team

Find hidden performance in your organisation

  • How do we spend our time?
  • Which project types are we profitable
  • Which task types are draining our resources?
  • Which teams excel and which teams struggle?
  • How good are we at spending our time on billable work?
Hans Jørgen Nielsen-DGE
"We now know exactly where to put our focus. The biggest gain is that we can compete with the big players in the market because we have exact data enabling us to avoid projects with a risk of low profit."
Hans Jørgen Nielsen

Get started with TimeLog


We agree on the optimal setup and process for you in a customised workshop.


You get access to how-to articles and videos that quickly give you an overview of TimeLog.


Get help from our expert consultants who will take you by the hand every step of the way.


With our support and advice, you are guaranteed full utilisation of the system.

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Bliv den bedste leder med indsigt fra TimeLog

De bedste ledere holder hånden på kogepladen, så de kan træffe de bedste beslutninger - og sikre at medarbejderne trives.

TimeLogs rapporter giver dig den viden, du har brug for, til at blive en bedre leder:

  • Hvilke forretningsområder er værd at give mere fokus?
  • Kører min projektorganisation, eller kæmper vi med at eksekvere?
  • Er vores projekter profitable eller skal vi reagere hurtigt?
  • Er mine medarbejdere og teams for belastede, eller skal vi tage mere ind?
  • Hvor tjener vi pengene? Er der kunder, som trækker os ned?



Følg projekterne og hold dem på sporet

  • Se nøgletal for hvert projekt eller hele jeres portefølje
  • Budget- og statusrapporter
  • Betalingsplaner og betalingsstatus
  • Allokeret vs. registreret tid per medarbejder
  • Milepæle

Når I jeres forretningsmål, eller skal I handle?

  • Få oversigt over kunders, projekters og medarbejderes dækningsbidrag og dækningsgrad
  • Overblik over intern og ekstern tidsforbrug
  • Faktureringsgrad og fakturérbare timer
  • Opskrivning- og nedskrivningsoverblik
  • Økonomisk projektperformance

Find skjult performance i virksomheden

  • Hvordan bruger vi vores tid?
  • Hvilke projekttyper er vi profitable på?
  • Hvilke opgavetyper dræner vores resourcer?
  • Hvilke teams excellerer, og hvilke teams kæmper?