Assign invoice templates to customers or projects, so you know that the customers receive the data they need on each invoice.
Invoicing is a major time waster in 9 out of 10 companies
Now you can transform the invoice potential to booked invoices with just a few clicks.

Save time on your invoices with invoice templates and simple approval flows
Do you also spend too much time on invoicing every month? With One Click Invoicing, you can transform your invoice potential to booked invoices with just a few clicks across customers and projects. This means that you reduce manual entry work, can quality assure your invoices and avoid sending e-mails back and forth.
With One Click Invoicing you can:

Turn registrations (time, expenses and mileage) into invoices in one smooth, automated process.

Get a common overview of the invoice potential and produce invoices for the entire month quick and easy.

Provide customers with the information they need 100% automated
With One Click Invoicing, you get several invoice templates. Link them to customers or projects, and TimeLog automatically collects the information you need for your invoices.
Get a common overview and avoid coordination via mail
It’s seldom the same person that approves and sends out the invoices. Get an overview of your invoice potential in one place and avoid internal coordination via e-mail or post-its.
With TimeLog you go from invoice potential to booked invoices or vouchers with just a few clicks.
Benefits of invoicing with One Click Invoicing and invoice templates
- You save time. Customers who already use One Click Invoicing on average free up one workday a month when invoicing.
- You quality assure your invoices. With templates you ensure that you conform to the customers’ whishes related to invoices and communication. And it’s 100% automated.
- Lightning fast invoicing. You have a common overview of the month’s invoice potential. As soon as the drafts are approved, you can generate your invoices with just a few clicks – ready for your customers or finance system.

We support your entire invoicing process with custom integrations and APIs
You save time on controlling information in several systems and can automate workflows when you link your business systems. TimeLog integrates to more than 15 finance systems. Most integrations are free and you can set them up yourself. Therefore, you can easily transfer invoices to your finance system and you avoid double registrations and save time on controlling.
Get Started with TimeLog
Try before you buy
You can test TimeLog for 30 days while you get all the help you need.
We agree on your optimal setup and process in a customised workshop.
Get an implementation package and your very own Growth specialist.
Online support around the clock
All employees have access to our interactive guide, help in-product and Help Center.
Følg projekterne og hold dem på sporet
- Se nøgletal for hvert projekt eller hele jeres portefølje
- Budget- og statusrapporter
- Betalingsplaner og betalingsstatus
- Allokeret vs. registreret tid per medarbejder
- Milepæle
Når I jeres forretningsmål, eller skal I handle?
- Få oversigt over kunders, projekters og medarbejderes dækningsbidrag og dækningsgrad
- Overblik over intern og ekstern tidsforbrug
- Faktureringsgrad og fakturérbare timer
- Opskrivning- og nedskrivningsoverblik
- Økonomisk projektperformance
Find skjult performance i virksomheden
- Hvordan bruger vi vores tid?
- Hvilke projekttyper er vi profitable på?
- Hvilke opgavetyper dræner vores resourcer?
- Hvilke teams excellerer, og hvilke teams kæmper?
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