Eliminate your administrative tasks with automated workflows.
Jira Cloud and TimeLog integration
Do you want to combine agile flexibility and collaboration with accurate time tracking to optimize productivity, resource allocation, and project management?

Our consultants found it easy to use and integrate, which is why we chose TimeLog.
Do you feel that time-tracking sometime can be unnecessary?
By integrating TimeLog with Jira, you get a range of solutions tailored to your needs, e.g:
- Elimination of redundant time tracking in both Jira and TimeLog, streamlining the process.
- Accurate and updated hours in TimeLog to overcome lack of tracking or visibility.
- Comprehensive overview for project managers showing the hours spent by developers and other Jira users in TimeLog.
- Unlocking the financial project management features in TimeLog for the benefit of project managers and management.

Easy to set up: Simply download Timelog from the Atlassian app store.
Get all the reporting you need from the recorded time.
You don't need to change existing workflows or processes in your current work.
A new way of tracking time
Eliminate unnecessary time-tracking
Streamline your workflow with automated data flow between Jira and TimeLog PSA. Say goodbye to recording time in multiple systems, eliminate manual updates and have full confidence in the precision and real-time accuracy of your data that is effortlessly synchronised between Jira and TimeLog.

Be in control
100% overview and control on your projects
Get a full overview of all your projectdata in TimeLog:
- Updated budgets
- Billinginformation
- Control of customer agreements
Do you have questions regarding the Jira-integration or do you want a personal walkthrough?
Price & version
- The Jira Cloud-integration cost 7
Euro pr. licens/month. - Requires a Growth-plan or higher
- Integrationen has been devoloped with an Atlassian-partner.
Support & installation
- See installations guide in our help center
- Do you need help? Contact Customer Success
Permissions o& security
- Data and IT security is part of our DNA. How we take care of your data

Looking for easy time tracking integrated with Business Central?
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Easily share files online between TimeLog and OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive
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Uniconta & TimeLog: Complete invoicing
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Payroll time overview with Hogia Lön+
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Combine the best of agile with the best of time tracking with the Jira integration to TimeLog.